Who Are We?
“Little Hans” operates under the inspiration and in the spirit of Psychoanalytic Centers for Consultation and Treatment (CPCT)
established worldwide. The Center is an initiative of psychoanalysts, members of the New Lacanian School (NLS), aimed at exposing psychoanalysis, making its treatment and use accessible to the general public. The Center has been operating from September 2015, in Haifa, a linguistically and socially mixed city.
Among the Center’s staff, are speakers of Hebrew and Arabic. The Center offers consultation and treatment within Lacanian psychoanalytic orientation, to speakers of both languages.
The Center offers its services to children and adolescents (6-17) and intervenes both with the child and with his Other – parent, teacher, or a responsible figure such as a legal guardian - who oftentimes, as we know from the field of work with children, are the ones who make the referral concerning the child.
Since its inception, the Center has received referrals from school counselors, youth departments, welfare offices in the city and other institutions concerned with the care of children, as well as through colleagues and independent inquiries.
Why “Little Hans”?
Little Hans is the first documented case in the history of psychoanalysis concerning a consultation and a psychoanalytic intervention in the case of a child. The case was transmitted to us by Sigmund Freud in his book: “Little Hans- Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy”. Despite the mileage psychoanalysis has made since this testimony, both in terms of knowledge and cumulative experience in intervening and reading cases, including those of children, we have chosen this name for our Center, to indicate the sources of the ethical foundation which will guide our work, as a team, in the process of reading and directing referrals and cases, as well as to emphasize the effort derived from the psychoanalytic ethics, that of remaining close to that which is primary and singular in each case, one by one.
Over the phone or online
Pal-Yam 10 BLVD Street, Haifa